Exhausted, taking my first breathe, my feet acsended
and soon was above the ground were I once stood. A
look behind showed who I was, and upward was I to
become. The staircase spiraled past the misty ditch
beyond the shadowy woods, to the luminous rays now
beaming upon my face.
The search of the digger flowed in full spectrum.
Each step had to be maticulous or done again. So, I
returned to the bottom to remember, rose to the
earth to be, and worked onward under the lunar
beauty. It was as much the soil thrown and
blowing in the wind, the roots and the tree, the light
that shone, granting a new perspective on the stairs
-that were always there. It was the journey and the
journeyer as one. A new reality a new dream sharing
itself with the old. It was my new guide calling
from within, speaking of old ways and new insight.
"Where Have You Gone?"
To reach beyond.