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Topic: Ron Paul 08
Ron Paul Treated Unfairly at the CNBC Debate - Proof From the Transcript
(Story omits the fact that many official polls don't include Ron Paul or only call a pre-selected list of Democrats and Republicans. Some scientific poll. Random internet polls show more accuracey as to the public's interest. As Paulites can do, so can the others. MSM actions at this point are, shut down the poll... Paul is winning again. )
Some of the lower tiered candidates and their supporters have complained about the presidential debates thus far -- complaining that they favor those that are higher in the polls.
The justification given for this is that the voters are to see those candidates with a legitimate shot at winning the nomination, something that is measured by polling data and fundraising numbers. So before we get into the polling data and the fundraising numbers, let's see how much each of the candidates were allowed to speak.
Our methodology for this is actually quite fool-proof. We take a transcript of the debate and parse each of the words spoken at the debate and count who spoke how many words.
This is what we got.
Candidate | # of Words | % of Candidate Total |
Mitt Romney | 1357 | 22.8 |
Rudy Giuliani | 1091 | 18.3 |
John McCain | 781 | 13.1 |
Fred Thompson | 728 | 12.2 |
Mike Huckabee | 445 | 7.5 |
Duncan Hunter | 431 | 7.2 |
Tom Tancredo | 401 | 6.7 |
Sam Brownback | 387 | 6.5 |
Ron Paul | 343 | 5.8 |
The top tier candidates according to the latest national polls dominated the debate. Summing up the total number of words spoken by Romney, Giuliani, McCain, and Thompson, you would lead to 66.4% or about two-thirds of the debate.
Each of those candidates fall in line with about where they stand in the polls and in fundraisinig. Well, except for Ron Paul. He spoke the least of all the candidates. Now, we are not going to go so far as to say he should get as much time as Romney or Giuliani -- although it would be fair if all the candidates spoke the same amount of time.
But we will claim it irresponsible of CNBC to censor Ron Paul to the point that he spoke the least of every candidate including Tancredo, Hunter, and Brownback.
Here are the reason Ron Paul should have had more air time than Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo, and Brownback.
(Fundraising) Ron Paul raised $5 million dollars. This translates to REAL support and REAL people that want to hear his message. Ron Paul's fundraising numbers were comparable to John McCain. Mike Huckabee was only able to garner about $1 million dollars.
(Early States#1) Ron Paul is sitting at double digits among moderates in New Hampshire and and at 8% in Michigan (the state in which this debate took place). And the Republican party is doing a disservice if they try to silence the moderate voice. Read our article on "Ron Paul Surging in the Polls Among Moderates".
State | Ron Paul % among Moderates |
New Hampshire | 10% |
Michigan | 8% |
Source:, via Link |
(Straw Polls) Ron Paul has won 15 straw polls ( nationwide, more than Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo, Brownback combined! Heck we could even add John McCain to that list and Ron Paul would have beaten them all.
Here is the list of straw polls that Ron Paul has won:
- Tulsa State Fair, Oklahoma
- Oregon Straw Poll- Portland, Oregon
- Gwinnett County GOP, Atlanta, Georgia
- CWA New Jersey GOP Straw Poll
- South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club
- Manchester, NH Straw Poll
- Maryland Straw Poll
- Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
- DeKalb County, Georgia Straw Poll
- West Alabama
- Ronald Reagan Club (Washington)
- Strafford County, NH
- Gaston County, NC
- FreedomWorks Straw Poll
- New Hampshire Taxpayers
Fourteen of said straw polls won August or later! That suggest a surge in support.
(Internet) Here is the traffic statistics to It is brought to you by He has more monthly visitors to his campaign website than any of the other candidates -- including the top tier. The graph is going up, yet more signs of a surge.
(Scientific Polls) There are now 8 states in which Ron Paul is averaging 3% or better over the past two months. Those states are New Hampshire (8%), Michigan (5.7%), Texas (5.0%), Arizona (5.0%), Pennsylvania (4.0%), Iowa (3.7%), South Carolina (3.0%), and Wisconsin (3.0%). Let's see about the other candidates. Duncan Hunter - only 1. Tom Tancredo - 3. Sam Brownback - 3. If you were to sum up the lower tiered candidates of Hunter, Tancredo, and Brownback you would get 7 -- it was not enough to outnumber Ron Paul was it?
(Early States #2) In summary , Ron Paul is the only candidate of these "lower tiered candidates" to average more than 3.0% in the Top 3 states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. And his fundraising numbers were good enough to launch him into top tier status. So why does such a candidate get the least amount of speaking time?
Romney spoke almost 4 times as much as Ron Paul.
The biggest evidence of such blatant censorship of Ron Paul came when Rudy Giuliani challenged Ron Paul by name saying "Where was he on 9/11?". Ron Paul would have wanted to rebut that to say that no country had attacked us. When a candidate is addressed by name it is only common courtesy to give him time for a rebuttal. Nope, they did not even give him the courtesy of standing amongst the candidates -- always at the edge and having the least amount of speaking time.
Help Me Donate to Ron Paul In fact, I am so upset right now that I am going to make a personal donation to the Ron Paul campaign. And I want your help. I usually pay SEO companies in India/Thailand to do what is called "link building" -- they send out emails to other political sites asking them to link to me. In return, I get good search engine rankings. But I figure why give them money when I can use that money to give even MORE to Ron Paul in his quest to prove that the media does not always have to win. Since the money comes from my personal account, I am a bit strapped for cash but heck, if you help me out, I help Ron Paul out. So this is what I would like to see, create a link to this article promoting Ron Paul and how the media is biased then email me at with the link of said article. And for every link generated, I will add $5 to my personal donation. Let's see how it goes. I guaranteed someone that it would be 100+ links in total -- don't let me be wrong folks. |